Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Mazzy likes to say she is 2 years old, but she also says that she still wants to be a baby! We have a silly one in our family! Mazzy really is a funny little girl. She loves laughing and doing things to get giggles out of her brother. She is an amazing nurturer to her plethora of babies! Mazzy doesn't seem to favor one over another... She loves her babies all the same. (seriously has a collection going and she is only 2!Yikes). She has a solid appetite, loves her grandparents and cousins, says the most adorable prayers, and is attached to sucking on her index finger, but sleeps like a champ! We love our little moo moo dearly! Happy Birthday little lady!


Errin said...

I can't believe two years ago we were up all night waiting for Mazzy's arrival. Time goes by so fast! Tell Mazzy Happy Birthday! We love her and can't wait to see you all next month.

Tami said...

Happy Birthday Mazzy and Nixon! We had a blast at the birthday party (will you post pics?)! That night everyone sacked out early. Thank you for letting us be a part of your kids' special day, and thanks to Chris' family for supplying the pirate ship;)


Clements Family said...

How cute is she! Mazzy looks all grown up! Happy Birthday!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday mazzy sue! You're such a cutie!

Rocia said...

could mazz be any cuter? yum yum in those p.j.'s! we need to hook up soon, my kids have gifts for yours. we love you guys!

Stefany said...

Your kids are so cute Brooke! They grow up so fast, huh?

The Campbell Clan said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all of the cool Thompson kids!

Abes and Stace said...

Wow two all ready? Time for another one guys!! She sure is a cutie. I wish I could hear her little prayers - that is my favorite thing ever, little prayers spoken in Chipmunk!